
Local Corner: Husted Called to Account

Jon Husted, the Ohio Secretary of State, has been called to appear in Federal court about his decision to restrict voting access, despite the preliminary injunction by Judge Economus.  Essentially, the Judge thinks Husted's decision to forbid voting hours on Saturday, Sunday, and Monday before the November election is contrary to Economus's ruling that voting be allowed those days.  Dispatch has the story.

I'd be baffled about this crusade against extended voting hours if I were less cynical.  Who benefits from extended voting?  Anyone who can't get time off work at some point Tuesday to vote (generally not Republicans).  Anyone relying on volunteer transportation more readily available on the weekend (again, generally not Republicans).

Limiting voting hours is the same as bizarre ID requirements is the same as a poll tax is the same as a literacy test: a gimmick employed by those who want to control who is allowed to vote.

This is one of those situations where I feel the need to loudly express, "That guy was hired over my strenuous objections."

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