
Local Corner: Flat Rate Library Fines?

Evidently, the board of the Columbus Metropolitan Library is considering a flat-rate fine for overdue items, instead of the current system of daily fines.  Story from the Dispatch.

Highlights of the proposed changes:

  • Fine levied only after a 14 day grace period
  • Renewals doubled--10 renewals instead of 5 (if no one has the item reserved)*
  • New system being considered to automatically renew items
  • Card access blocked after an item is 2 weeks late, instead of $10 in fines

The goal of the change would be to reduce the number of people who hit the $10 in fines currently necessary to block card use.  Between the grace period, the threat of heavier fines, and the increase in renewal opportunities the plan is to make it so fewer users have late items.  Objections seem to be based on the fact that $5 for a 1-day-late item would be excessively punitive.

To that I say it's NOT 1 day late--it's 15 days late by the time they issue a fine.  Your due date, plus 14 days of grace.  That's TWO EXTRA WEEKS for you to remember to put the video, or book, or CD in your car and drop it on the way to work.

This is the problem with grace periods in this society--we take them for granted.  We assume it's just extra time we can take, making a mockery of the original due date (which is, by the way, is the date the library does business based on).

And I know you kids have been waiting on a reserved item, going, "Why the hell isn't this in yet??"

It's because someone's going, "Eh, I'll just pay the fine and return this whenever."

*** Update 12:34 AM 9/6/12 ***

Something I failed to point out from the Dispatch's article: These are proposals the board hasn't yet voted on as of now.  The changes already voted on and approved simply lowered the daily fines and increased the number of times one can renew an item, with NO flat rate.

Last week, the library board voted on so-called "Phase One" of the plan, which lowers fines on adult accounts to 20 cents a day, and juvenile accounts to 10 cents a day.  Phase one also includes the total fine per item reduction (from $15 to $5 for adults or $1 for kids), and the increase in renewal instances (from 5 to 10).  According to the Dispatch, these changes roll out October 1st.

*Initially, I listed this as one of the proposed changes--this is actually a change voted on in "Phase One" set to roll out at the beginning of next month.


Anonymous said...

The Dispatch didn't get this quite right. Call the library for the real details.

John said...

Didn't get the proposed 2nd phase right? Or didn't get the current changes right?

I see now I didn't point out the changes that are actually in effect...

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