
Your Take: Recession Politics

The recent transportation budget passed by the Ohio Legislature included extended benefits for unemployed people. Longer time to collect unemployment benefits, and some help on the healthcare front as well.

Is this legitimate citizen support? Or just a feather for election time caps? If it is legitimate, is it wise? Do we need to deepend the deficeit even further? And what do we do with these extended benefits once the situation is back to normal, and most return to work?

Let me know what you think on this issue, from the stimulus at large to these extended benefits in specific to the auto and bank bailouts. What's your take?

Post comments, leave me a Wall post on Facebook, Twitter it, or shoot me an e-mail at john.macgregor at g! I'll post a recap on Monday with everyone's response.


Latest Headlines...

Latest Headlines, from the Columbus Dispatch, as of 344pm Sunday, 4/5/09:

Man Dead, Woman Injured in Eastside Shooting
Man Killed in Shooting in East Side Alley
2 OSU Students Robbed at Gunpoint Near Campus
Man's Body Found on Westside Lawn

What the hell? Is this really the uptick in violent headlines I think it is? I'm used to seeing one every couple days, but three in one? Is this spring fever gone bad?

And it also makes me think...for each one of these that hits the news, how many others don't? I can't even wrap my head around a life where this sort of stuff is the the norm. I also can't wrap my head around how many people can't imagine a life where it ISN'T the norm. What's it gonna take till we figure out a way to get along without killing each other?


Just When You Think Twitter Isn't Much Use...

...something like this pops up. I follow the website Columbus Underground on my Twitter page, and this morning they tweeted something that caught my eye...COTA bus changes. I've got a bit of a thing for public transit (even if I don't use it nearly as much as I should/could) so I thought it was worth checking out. Here's the CU article...COTA is adding a Hilliard-OSU express, as well as several other adjustments. You can get the full list there.

There's bigger news from Iowa, because on Friday gay marriage became legal in that great farming state. It blows my mind, because a state that's as rural (and typical conservative as rural states are) as Iowa is able to recognize a basic human right, but California and Ohio aren't. I mean, seriously? 3/50th of the country is moving in the right direction...but we need a few more states to reach critical mass.

The North Korean satellite launch was a monstrous success...! At least, according to the North Korean government. As the BBC will tell us (and I trust the BBC infinitely more than my own government sometimes, never mind the North Korean one) the rocket launch failed, and the satellite with its sing-a-long payload never reached orbit. President Obama took the opportunity to push his arms control agenda, telling us, "This provocation underscores the need for action - not just this afternoon at the UN Security Council, but in our determination to prevent the spread of these weapons."

That's a bit more than I intended to post today...but that's what happens when I'm putting off other work ;-) Have a good rest of the weekend!

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