
My Ideal Candidate

Now that we're in the same year as the election, I'm taking a harder look at who could be President. I've made my picks for each party. But really, I feel like they're just compromise positions.

That's partly because they're career politicians. Someone who makes government a living doesn't really know me and my life. I'd be happier with a business man or a doctor or a lawyer or even a machinist taking time out of his life to serve.

It's also partly because they're all chosen by the same old republican system. No, this is not a conspiracy theory...that's Hilary's thing. I mean "as in a republic."

The way the nomination process works thru party delegates allows the party machines (and thus) big money to have a bigger say in things than any number of votes. Let's look at the debates, how only "viable" candidates are allowed to participate (Where was Mike Gravel??). Let's look at a thousand other ways candidates not ahead in the polls get zero media coverage.

My ideal candidate would be elected by me. Or my neighbor. From start to finish. I don't want that candidate to be nominated by Iowa. I don't want them financed by the local party machine. I don't want them chosen by professional political junkies for me.

My candidate would elected, not pre-approved.

...and Now for Some News...

Cuban Migration Spikes, from NPR

Archivist Arrested for Stealing Documents, from NPR (Yet another reminder to NOT DO ILLEGAL STUFF ONLINE).

Columbians Protest the Farc, from BBC

High Heels Equal Better Sex Life?, from BBC

Sherrod Brown Working to Secure Federal Dollars for Utility Upgrades, from WCBE

Parts of Old St. George Church to Come Down, from WVXU

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