
My Take on the Candidates

Sorry 'bout the late, LATE post. We got a cat yesterday, and I forgot to put this up in all the excitement.

Things have solidified quite a bit since the start of the Primary hoopla. We've really narrowed it down to a few solid candidates ahead of Super Tuesday. Here are my picks for both major Parties:

John McCain, an Arizona Congressman from 1982-1986 and a Senator from 1986-present, is a former naval aviator and POW. He's been consistently for the war in Iraq, and staying there, and was one of the 12 Senators who staged a "revolt" over Bush's bill on detainees in 2006, because it did not provide protections against torture. Senate Page

Barack Obama, a 1st term Senator from Illinois who also spent 8 years as a state Senator. He's been a civil rights attorney and a community organizer. His time in the Senate hasn't been glorious, per se, but you do see his name around an awful lot of bipartisan efforts. I'd love to put more in here, but to be honest he hasn't been too much in the public eye until the primary race started up. Senate Page.

And why...

John McCain may be old. And he may be Republican. And he may have spent much of the last 8 years pandering to the far right wing. But on the whole, his efforts on campaign finance reform, the way his campaign in 2000 was run, his personal history, and how he has stuck to his guns on the Iraq issue when EVERYONE was jumping ship all impress me. I feel he is a straight talker, and while I disagree with some of the positions he has (like Iraq), I agree with others (like immigration, which he's also taken fire for and stuck to). I could definitely see myself voting for John McCain in a general election.

Barack Obama is young. He's fresh. He has a back ground in the grass roots and in civil rights. He's spent time in the state legislature, where the real business of the country happens. I don't get a vibe that it will be business as usual with Obama, and I like the way people react to him. The vibrancy around his campaign is something I haven't noticed in politics in my lifetime (short, granted, but I campaigned for Clinton in 1996 at school, fool. I've been watching these things). He also has a lot of the liberal ideas I like, without some of the dumber ones that Rush Limbagh likes to mock. I can see an Obama presidency being a good thing, and thus I can definitely see myself voting for him.

Let's see who survives Super Tuesday, hm?

...And Now for Some News...

No news today...I'm running late as it is.

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