
Separation of Church and State

Mike Huckabee has some good points. The weight loss thing is impressive. I've heard his tax plan is actually on the level. Anyone who can be an executive of a state has to be a capable, functioning human being, and I respect that.


This little blurb on his website says it all. "My faith doesn't influence my decisions, it drives them."

Huckabee says a lot of things on that page that are hard to disagree with. He throws in a line about being a steward of the earth. He talks about how the 1st Amendment says religion shouldn't be preferred or prohibited. But the fact he talks about religion and politics mixing at all fills me with a dull dread.

I am not comfortable with a Christian President, just as I wouldn't be comfortable with an Islamic President. Nor would I be comfortable with an Atheist President. Historically speaking, heads of state who make state decisions based on the Bible have really made a mess of things. We are a secular nation of secular laws (mostly. Why can't I buy beer on Sunday morning?). I don't want anyone's faith being allowed to change that.

Jimmy Carter is an incredibly religious Southern Baptist. I didn't know that for years. I admired him as a President and for his work post-Presidency without ever having religion enter into it. Did his faith factor into decisions made as President? Of course! Did he take instructions from the Bible and other Christian teachings? I don't think so.

The fact Huckabee is so popular among heavily Christian voters is a mark against him in my book. Those were the same people who voted Bush into office. The fact he is running on a platform that implies faith-based governance offends me.

Separation of Church and State. It's the concept that makes us not Iran.

...And Now For Some News...

Bush's Final State of the Union Address Tonight, from NPR.

Mormon Leader Dies at Age 97, from NPR.

New Unrest in western Kenya, from BBC.

Egypt Tries New Tactics to Seal Gaza Border, from BBC.

AC Units Not Safe From Scrap Thieves, from WCBE.

Busy Week for Ohio Legislaters, from WVXU.

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