
Electronic Voting

So Cuyahoga County has an idea where it will have everyone fill out a ballot card, collect them at all precincts, then send them into a central location for scanning and counting. That's all a result of the issues they've had in the past w/ the on-site machines being FUBARed.

The ACLU is against this idea basically because it doesn't allow voters a chance to correct their ballots if they mess up. They suggest scanning them immediately at the voting site. That's how I've voted in the past...fill out the paper ballot w/ ink, then feed it into the scanning machine. That provides the paper trail AND the ease of electronic votes.

I think the ACLU has a good point. I'd hate to find out (or not, rather would be the case) that I'd messed up my ink job and lost my vote. Revolutions have started over things like that. The best solution is probably for Cuyahoga to get on the ball like the rest of the state, give up their touch screens, and scan the ballots at the voting stations.

Some people just don't like the idea at all...they don't trust the machines, the software, any of it. They think the old punch cards work better. Personally, I think the electronic ones DO pose a slightly higher risk for fraud (look at "Man of the Year") but then again, paper ballots let George Bush steal the election.

It's like anything else electronic, in my opinion. People assume the worst, that never happens.

...And Now for Some News...

Wisconsin Next Battle Ground for Hillary and Barack, from NPR

911 turned 40 Sunday, from NPR

Pakistan Parliamentary Elections Today, from BBC

EU to Meet in Response to Kosovo Independence, from BBC

Ohio a Do-or-Die State for Clinton, from Ohio NPR via WCBE

Cincinnati Fire Dept Accredited to Train Paramedics In-House, from WVXU


Joe said...

Something scary... find the movie "Hacking Democracy", an HBO-sponsored documentary about voting machines... I got it off Netflix the other day... creepy shit man.

John said...

I'll have to check that out. Runs along the same idea of people making elections do what they want with the computers?

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