
Other Blogs

One of the big things I don't do enough is read other news/political blogs.

It's a hard thing to do! It's not that I don't like to...but it really is hard to work it in. It's not like webcomics, that I can punch into my Bloglines and glance at each day and then move on. Most of the stuff in a news or politics oriented blog is worth more thought and consideration than that, and I feel like I'm doing it halfway if I can't give that.

That being said, I DO have a few I look at regularly, and here they are: Connecticut Bob does a fabulous job of being a more or less bona fide journalist. But he's all blogger, as this post about Edwards shows. With a focus on Connecticut politics, he does an excellent job keeping up with the national showcase while being all over the local scene. This fellow I found more or less by accident a few years ago, and I haven't stopped reading yet. More of an international focus, this blog is full of satire and sarcasm...but serves (for me anyway) a startling call for awareness, especially by the way he doesn't mince words or pull punches.

A related site to the Harazquack Times is the Evil Leaders League, an offshoot of a feature the author started on the original blog. Basically, it's a satirical competition between the "evil leaders" of the world, based on how tyrannical they are. Using news (real and imagined) on each of them from the week, the author ranks their relative evilness. Dark, twisted, pointed...but funny. I've actually just discovered this one. The first post was a video of George Bush not looking very Presidential at the opening ceremonies...I was sold. Not wanting to be that shallow, I kept reading...and found myself intrigued by almost every post. So I went and subscribed.

So here's to a new effort to cross link and what not...for that's really the power of the blogosphere, getting all sorts of opinions and perspectives on the world and events we live in.

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