

I actually slept this morning, and the BBC wasn't airing on WVXU last night for some reason. After Echoes went off the air, it was just...silence. Very odd. I'm willing to bet it's tied into a plea for money, but that's the risk you take with not-for-profit news.

I'll send them money as long as they don't behave like Fox News. It's a good trade.

Yesterday's post came up this morning because...I had it sort of in my head to write it all up, then edit and revise the next day. Sort of like a newspaper. But then it dawned on me last night I don't operate on anywhere near the same schedule as a newspaper...and all holding back the publishing of my posts would do is date my material.

So forget that. Besides, why should I behave less like a blogger and more like a respectable person?

Pretty soon, I'm gonna post about the primary system...but I need to research a little bit first. I'm not 100% sure I get it myself, which is frustrating when people ask me about it.

Now For Some News...

Huckabee Ahead Before GOP Debate. This disturbs me because while I don't really believe in the LDS' teachings, I care even less for Baptist teachings. The same conservative Christians who think the nation should be run according to the Bible support Huckabee, and I am NOT comfortable with that.

What's wrong with a nation run by the Bible? Take a hard look at Iran and then you can tell me.

DNA Ethics Debate. When you leave DNA behind (think spit in a coffee cup, or hair, or dandruff), it's been traditionally fair game. The courts have said little so far, and NPR is investigating into this legal gray zone.

The Arctic ice caps could be totally ice free during the summer by 2013. Does that make anyone else a little sad, and a lot frightened? When exactly do we as a nation pull our heads out of the sand and start running damage control on the environment?

True to their word at Annapolis, Israel and Palestine have started peace talks for the first time in seven years. The same old routine, Palestinians demanded a halt to all settlement growth, and the Israelis declared not enough was being done to crack down on militants. They did, however, agree to meet again and that's very nice.

Cincinnati could start using red light cameras, just like Columbus and Dayton. The city almost started using this technology in 2005, but Charlie Luken vetoed the plan. Mark Mallory, current mayor, is trying to postpone the debate on this issue until the formal, two year budget is discussed next year. Also mentioned by council members was the use of cameras to catch speeders.

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