
Find Your Elected Folks, Part 3!

So...thus far, we've found the President, my Congresswoman, my Senators, and the Governor of Ohio. What's next, you ask? Isn't that all?

Excuse me while I laugh. Because we're just getting started.

After this week tho, I plan on shaking it up a bit, don't worry. But for this fine Thursday morning, more elected reps!

Let's look at my State Senator. Or Senators? How does that work, exactly? I dunno...but I know where to start.

  1. Go to the Ohio homepage.

  2. On the right hand side of the page, you should see a blue box with the Governor's photo on it. Above him, there are some of them says "Legislative." Click it.

  3. We've got some options. We've got 5 links, one each for the Senate, the House, and the General Assembly, plus one each for Find Your Senator and Find Your Representative. (I'm glad we did this, 'cause I had no idea these legislative webpages were here).

  4. I'm going to search for my Senator. Punch in my Zip Code, and I get the scoop on Robert Schuler (this is a neat service!)

  5. Just for kicks, let's do my Representative too. Again w/ my Zip, I meet Michelle Schneider.

Go try's fun!

Now for Some News...

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