
Election Day

No, no national offices or issues are up for decision today. In fact, in Ohio there aren't even any state issues. But these are the elections when levies are passed or shot down, usually because no one but the advocates come out to vote.

So go vote.

In Ohio, don't forget your driver's license. Yes, you can still vote without it...but provisional ballots only get counted if the normal ballots are too close to call. So make sure you get in the first round fo decision making.

Smart Voter is a wonderful resource if you live in California, Pennsylvania, Ohio, or New York. If you don't live in any of those, Smart Voter will send you to where you can get the info you need (such as voting stations and the ballot, so you know what you'll be voting on). You can also Google "Franklin County Board of Elections" (substituting your county, of course) and you should get what you need. If Google doesn't seem to do it, your state's website should have the election information posted that will direct you to the local organization.

This is the day people don't vote, and then ask later, "When the hell did they raise sales tax?? WHY??" Don't be like that, please. Take your duty as a citizen seriously.

Tomorrow, we'll cover how you can register to vote (in most cases). This week, we'll also go over how to READ a ballot, since I'm pretty sure they try to be difficult. In keeping with the election craze, I'll also update everyone on the results (at least in Hamilton County, OH).

Something to look forward too, eh?

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