
Action Packed Week

Delegate Count!

Mitt: 85/1144
Newt: 29/1144
Ron: 8/1144
Ricky: 16/1144

Source: NY Times

So Romney destroys the Nevada results (50%), leaving Newt in the dust (21.1%), who barely outruns Ron (18.8%).  Ricky is toddling along behind, spewing his noises of intolerance (10%).  Poor widdle Wicky.

Anyhow.  Today we have several votes going on...in Minnesota, Colorado, and Missouri.  Missouri sorta doesn't count, as I learned from the Huffington Post, because the state's delegates are not bound to the results.  They have another process that starts next month with a caucus (complicated much?).

I'm most interested in what happens in Colorado.  As the home of some serious conservative groups (Focus on the Family, for instance) Ricky is hoping he can convince them he's the most intolerant, god-fearing, would be despot in the field.

On the other hand, there's also a significant Mormon population in Colorado...which plays into Mitt's area of advantage.

BUT there's a third hand! Colorado people tend to be individualistic and anti-government.  So perhaps Ron has a shot at a nice showing?

Where does Newt factor in?  I have no idea.  I'm quite curious, as I said.  He'll prolly end up near Romney, as the "Anti-Mitt."

As for Minnesota?  My money's on Mitt.  Minnesota, if I may generalize and entire state, is pretty level-headed, so Ron and Ricky are out in my view.  Newt will work is magic, and could possibly come in a close 2nd...but we shall see.

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