
Election 2009, Issues

There's nothing really earth-shakingly controversial on the ballot this November, but there are a few issues that could have some far reaching effects. Casinos, for instance. If approved, where could that road lead us? Or perhaps the Livestock Standards Board...that one could open up a whole slew of unintended consequences. So here's an abbreviated list. As usual, the full list can be found here, at the Franklin County Board of Elections website.

State Issues
  1. To Authorize the State to issue bonds to provide compensation to veterans of the Persian Gulf, Afghanistan, and Iraq Conflicts
  2. To create the Ohio Livestock Care Standards Board to establish and implement standards of care for livestock and poultry
  3. To amend the Constitution to allow for one casino each in Cincinnati, Cleveland, Columbus, and Toledo and distribute to all Ohio Counties a tax on the casinos
The veteran's bonus issue has been up before, and it's been shot down before. I honestly don't think it's a great idea right now...not a question of hating on the soldiers, airmen, Marines, and sailors who keep us safe and free, but of fiscal responsibility. When we're this far in the hole as a state we can't just keep digging deeper. I don't know much about Issue 2, so expect me to dig into it and post on the topic soon. And the latest gambling issue is on the table this fall...I'm not clear on this one either, so we'll probably be seeing a post on Issue 3 as well.

County Issues

Issue 4 is a tax levy replacement and decrease for Children's Services. The new tax would be 3.1 mills ($.31 for each $100 of value) for ten years, down from 3.5 mills.

Local Issues

There are a lot of local option issues--alcohol sales--for Columbus, Westerville, and others. If you have a problem with people getting the OK to sells alcohol either during the week or on Sunday, you'll want to check the list and see if any are near you. Similarly, if you're sick of driving an extra 15 minutes on Sunday to get a six pack, check out the list.

Issue 23 is a Charter Amendment for Gahanna, and Issue 27 is a Charter Ammendment for Hilliard.

If you live in Whitehall, Issue 32 is the recall vote for Jacquelyn K. Thompson.

Issue 36 is a New Albany Charter Amendment proposal, and Issue 37 is for the adoption of the Obetz Charter as proposed by the Charter Commission.

Issue 39 is a proposed police levy for Blendon Township. 2.5 mills ($.25 per $100) for 5 years, starting 2009.

Issue 40 is a replacement levy for bridges, streets, and roads. 1.5 mills ($.15 per $100) for 5 years.

Issues 41 and 42 are replacement fire protection levies for Pleasant Township. The first is 1 mill for a continuing period of time, and the other is 1.57 mills ($.157 per $100) for a continuing period.

Issue 44 is an addition tax levy for the Bexley Library. 1.5 mills for 5 years.

Reynoldsburg and South-Western are at it again: Issue 46 is an additional levy for Reynoldsburg schools, 9.9 mills. Issue 47 is an additional levy for South-Western schools at 7.4 mills.

Issue 48 is a replacement of the Westerville schools levy. 11.4 mills for a continuing period of time.

Issue 49 is an additional Worthington school levy, that is incremental: 2009 = 3.9 mills for a continuing period, add 1.5 mills in 2010 for a continuing period, add 1.5 in 2011 for a continuing period. By 2011 that makes it a 6.9 mills ($.69 per $100 valuation) continuing by 2011.

And that's all she wrote on the ballot issues!


The Buckeye Voice said...

I have written three posts regarding Issue 2 and how it revolves around the greed of special interests wanting to change the Ohio Constitution for personal and corporate gain. This is nothing but big government at its worse with more control and officially removing the “voice” of the people. Get the facts here:

Unchecked Power -

OEFFA asks you to VOTE NO ON OHIO ISSUE 2 on November 3 -

STOP the Corporate Power Grab in Ohio – VOTE NO ISSUE 2 -

John said...

Thanks for the comment, Buckeye Voice! You more or less read my mind on this... check out my post on Tuesday 10/27 ( and I think you'll see we're of the same mind on this.

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