
Get Your Lawmaker to Marry You! ...the News Roundup

It's bad enough to be from Middletown (And I mean that in total sympathy; I have a soft spot for the place) without getting a $37,500 traffic ticket on the job. Wow.

The Transportation Bill I mentioned made it through the House and Senate without any issues. On to see if Strickland signs it...and since he helped negotiate the final form, I'll be a lil puzzled about a veto.

Tom Letson wants to be able to marry you, which is why he proposed a bill in the Ohio House to allow lawmakers to perform civil marriages (since we know they're not "unions" here in Ohio).

And let me digress here for a bit. I take serious issue with the fact a majority of people in this state think that homosexual couples don't deserve to marry. It's in the top three reasons why I'm conflicted about living here. I bet these were the same people who thought blacks should have their own water fountains too.

On that note, time to leave for the week. You kids have fun and don't do anything too dangerous over the weekend.

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