
Bi-Partisan Support?

Not so much. The ginormous stimulous package passed the House...but without a single Republican vote in favor. Not exactly bi-partisan, if you use the standard definition.

The GOP blamed house Democrats for shutting them out of discussions, not being open to debating elements, etc etc. I think there's a lot to that. Pelosi and other Congressional leaders knew they had enough votes to pass the bill. That sort of kills the instinct to negotiate. Whatever efforts the President made to get everyone together, he ran into one of the checks and balances of our government...and this time, not for the best.

The Senate, however, is another story. The Dems can't just ride rough-shod over the GOP. (Although I seriously doubt Harry Reid's ability to ride rough-shod, period...that's neither here nor there.) In the Senate, we're already seeing debate, like the one on school funding as a part of the stimulus.

I'm not worried about bi-partisan support yet, because the House version will not be the final version. Because the Senate will have to debate the issue to get it passed the bill WILL change. Then, Senate leaders will have to sit down with House leaders and hammer out yet another version. That third version will very likely be more acceptable to House Republicans, giving us a bi-partisan bill at last.

If the House Dems decide to stonewall the Senate leaders, THEN I'll be concerned.

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