
Your Take: Middle East

So you read my take on the whole Middle Eastern drama. Essentially, I think it's time to stop Israel from committing war crimes whenever they feel threatened, and then put peace keepers on the ground.

Ah, if only it was that simple...

What's your solution to the crisis? Do you have one? Do you even care? When you hear about the latest about Israel and Gaza on the news, what do you feel about it?

Remember these are just prompts to get you thinking...go where you will in your response.

Leave me your thoughts via the comments or the e-mail option, and I'll post a recap this time next week. Thanks for the participation!


Anonymous said...

I do not think this will end. People, including myself, can pray, hope, wish nations such as Israel cut this horrible blood bath. I do not have a solution for this. My mind is way too simple and not military trained...I am somewhat good at problem solving but this is beyond a problem. These are women and children who have been slaughtered. It has gone past making me feel angry. I am almost in shock (even though I really shouldn't be).

Unknown said...

How does one negotiate with people who don't bargain in good faith? Who kill "innocent" men, women, and children? Who keep upgrading their ability to kill? Oh, and all of those apply to both sides of the discussion.

"Great tragedy occurs when Right meets Right", John Stoessinger.

It is awfully hard to discriminate when terrorist/freedom fighters are hiding among children, in mosques, and in universities. It is particularly hard when using big bombs...


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