
Mary Jo Kilroy Finally Wins Seat

So I'm a lil late to the game, but the 15th Ohio Congressional District has a Representative. Mary Jo Kilroy managed to win, by a margin of 2,311 votes. That's not much at all, when you consider the number of votes cast: 304,000.

It was enough to beat the automatic recount law, however. In a local, country, or district election the margin needs to be 1/2%. In any statewide race, the margin drops to 1/4%. I didn't know that! Thanks to the Moritz College of Law over at OSU for having such a clear post on the issue.

Stivers, in a truly classy move, conceded gracefully and without much comment. I'm quite pleased, because I see this as further indication of a new shift in politics. It seems like the partisan lines are blurring more and more. The electorate is coming together more, making it harder to get a clear winner. The voters in this past election are less interested in voting with their party, it seems. The concern is more about who will go to Washington and take care of their consituent.

Now THERE is a novel concept, hm?

I like liberal Republicans. I also like conservative Democrats. Because they aren't radicals...they're a lot closer to what I believe in. Hopefully this trend continues, eh?

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