

I've had a series of conversations in the past few weeks about the Presidential election. The usual, "Oh, yeah, well, who you gonna vote for?"

I decided a while back that my vote is probably going towards Obama. He's more of a course correction than McCain. And...could there be something else to it? I mean, that whole campaign slogan of Obama's?

The whole...hope theme?

Typically, when I'm discussing the election, I try to keep it cynical. I don't want to appear swept up in crazy passion, or making an emotional decision. "They're ALL politicians," is a refrain of mine.

But I should admit it. Obama does give me hope. Hope that he won't be just another politician. That things might actually start to improve. Energy is contagious, whether it be negative or positive. That guy is dumping a whole lot of positive energy on things, and I can't help but like it.

I like how he doesn't side step many issues. How he acknowledges obstacles and challenges. And then goes on to say, "We can handle that." Almost like it's all just a secondary concern. Like he's keeping his eye on the prize, not ignoring the badness but not focusing on it either.

I like that.

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