
Jury Duty

I was summoned by the Franklin County court for jury duty, receiving the letter just before leaving on vacation. The date was set for August 1st (I thought it was odd they'd be picking jurors on a Friday...but what do I know?), but just yesterday I received a letter saying to disregard the notice. The case I was chosen for was resolved out of court.

I'm actually a little disappointed about missing out on this. I mean, it's a day out of work for one thing. It's a new experience for me. And it'd be a chance to do something I've read about in a few books. Through in a little bit of that civic duty nonsense...and you've got me being disappointed at missing out on jury duty.

That's not usually the case, from what I've gathered. A lot of people seem to dread jury duty, doing everything they can to get out of it. It doesn't seem to be easy to get out of the initial summons (it's like the draft...if you can get out of it easily, the system would break down). However, depending on how you answer the survey and the questions during voire dire, it can be easy to get oneself dismissed by the attorney from one or the other side.

That's all I have for didn't happen, so I lack any more first hand insight into the issue!

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