
Gas Prices

So I'm driving last week to buy Mother's Day cards (I bought a crazy amount of them, but that's another story for another time and blog) and I pass the Speedway on the corner. I'm stopped at a light, and I see something that reminds me to shut off my car till the light cycles around.

$3.79. Four dollar gasoline had hit Columbus.

I got pissed more than anything. I got really, really angry. I immediately assumed the prices went up to support the gas tax holiday certain politicians are trumpeting. The way I see it, if Congress actually DOES pass this hare brained nonsense, the gas stations and oil companies will simply keep the prices the same, and pocket the extra $14 cents a gallon that would have gone to support our roads and bridges. CT Bob puts it well, talking about crazy pills.

Paranoid? No, I don't think so.

So it got me thinking...about how I really, really, really need to start driving less. To hell with oil...everyone from that creepy guy who clerks the gas station to Hugo Chavez to the oil exec making huge bonuses are people I really don't care to support.

  1. Walk -- That's a no brainer, right? Just the other week, Sarah and I walked to Max and Erma's for a drink. It was nice, since I was totally buzzed and walking took that pesky DUI thing out of the picture. Not easy in all areas...but it's the easiest and cheapest way to screw the oil companies.
  2. Bike -- Most of us have a bicycle floating around, right? I don't...but that's a long story. I used to ride my bike a lot, it was the best way for a 12 year old to expand his horizons. It still will get you further and faster than walking...and doesn't use a drop of gasoline.
  3. Mass Transit -- Is sort of a joke here in Columbus, and Cincinnati. From what I've heard Cleveland has it better...but I don't know for sure. But if you're lucky enough to be on a bus route, why not use it? Budget some extra time when you go to the mall or to a sporting event.
  4. Standard Gas Economy Tips -- Uncle Sam provides us with some tips on how to improve our gas mileage here. Go check it out...some it it (like tire pressure) is so easy you really need a kick in the butt if you can't find time and motivation.
  5. Buy a More Efficient Car -- I've told myself for a long time now, that my next car will run on something like electricity or maybe even leftover fryer shortening. It won't be a straight gasoline engine. I won't be counting on ethanol (that disaster of mamoth proportions). I'm hoping to drive my current car long enough to have plenty of options.
  6. Write Elected Officials -- And find out what exactly they're so afraid of when it comes to weaning ourselves off the oil teat. I'd love to see someone seriously propose taxing the hell out of oil profits and funnelling the money into alternative energy. Brazil is on track to be gas-free by the end of the year(!) with their sugar cane alcohol fuel. Germany has managed to become the leader in solar energy thanks to their tough legislation on the matter.

It's really that last point that's going to have the biggest impact. The fact our country's leadership has chosen to engage in wars of aggression instead of being productive with our tax dollars and legislative energy is truly disgraceful. History will treat everyone in government since 2000 harshly, I'm trusting.

But don't whine...make changes in your lifestyle. Consumer economics, my friends. Democracy. They're two of the most powerful sources we have in this country, and we can't afford to not use them.

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